Star Field
Star Fields are fun!
PonderXepsa is a Digital Garden. A playground for pondering and curiosity.
Below are some selected musings, or you can go to the musings page to see the most recent.
Here is a sample of musings which I feel give you a good idea of what this site is all about.
Star Fields are fun!
PonderA single point perspective can be used to generate a 'pseudo 3D' cube on a flat screen. This is pretty much the same way you might have learnt how to do this at school.
PonderThree balls falling under a fake 'gravitational' force. Pick a point and attract or repel them.
PonderMazes are fun. This is a little Depth First Search based maze generator and solver. It uses iteration and a stack (instead of a recursive function) to prevent blocking the main JavaScript thread and allow animation.
PonderAristotle, he had a comprehensive view of reality.
PonderPlato, had three layers of reality. The physical and mental both appeal to our commen sense conceptions. However, what was the third?
PonderHow do we achieve World Peace? Technology may help. There are three things that we will need to develop.